شاليهات بونيتا بموقع متميز في مرسى مطروح بإطلالة لا مثيل لها على بحيرة طبيعية من البحر الأبيض المتوسط المصممة لمحبي الصيف الذين يرغبون في قضاء وقت ممتع بإطلالة خلابة على البحر. تقع شاليهات بونيتا على ُبعد 5 دقائق سيرا على الأقدام من الشاطئ. يقع المشروع على امتداد كورنيش مطروح بالقرب من مركز المدينة والخدمات.


  • الحالة تحت التشيد
  • الموقع القاهرة، مصر
  • النوع الوحدات
  • حجم130 م²  –  50 م².




موقف سيارات

رسومات هندسية قابلة للتعديل

سقف فلات سلاب

توصيلات المياه والكهرباء


Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh


Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh

Located at the foothills of the beautiful Kemmanagundi mountains and surrounded by rolling farmlands, our entire campus is filled with hundreds of species of ferns, fruits, flowers, plants & trees. We recreated a lush tropical garden so that you and your loved ones can relax & refresh




شارع 4, مرسى مطروح, مرسى مطروح, مصر


● شارع اإلسكندرية: 7 دقائق
● علم الروم: 3 دقائق
● شاطئ الفيروز: دقيقتان
● روميل بيتش: 4 دقائ


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